One day I was walking down the dock and I overheard two women talking. They were commenting on a well dressed gentleman washing down his boat with great care. One women turned to the other and said; if I could just figure out how to put engines in the house, he might spend as much time on house work. The other lady laughed, as I did on my way to wash down the boat...
It is true, there is something special about engines. And the 427's are special engines. If you notice the stand bending in the photo above and the engine is a long way from all dressed. These are not your ordinary blocks.
FoMo only cast these engines in 1966, Chris Craft bought 1000 blocks, today Ford Racing has re-commissioned the casting of these blocks for their next gen race cars. Let's hope they are around to race them.
By the end of the day today the engine will be painted, Pete and the guys have it ready to go. You can see below that the firing order has been ground off the block. All the counter rotating engines were ground to ensure no mechanic in the future would wire the engine in the standard rotation order.
The port (left) engine is the standard automobile rotation with the prop turning counter-clockwise. The starboard (right-hand) engine is the counter-rotating with the prop turning clockwise. Both engines turn away from each other.
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